
Monday, May 4, 2020

MF education #13 :Definition of Large Cap, Mid Cap and Small Cap:

In order to ensure uniformity in respect of the investment universe for equity schemes, it has been decided by SEBI to define large cap, mid cap and small cap as follows:

a. Large Cap: 1st -100th company in terms of full market capitalization

b. Mid Cap: 101st -250th company in terms of full market capitalization

c. Small Cap: 251st company on wards in terms of full market capitalization

Mutual Funds would be required to adopt the list of stocks prepared by AMFI in this regard and AMFI would adhere to the following points while preparing the list:

a. If a stock is listed on more than one recognized stock exchange, an average of full market capitalization of the stock on all such stock exchanges, will be computed.

b. In case a stock is listed on only one of the recognized stock exchanges, the full market capitalization of that stock on such an exchange will be considered.

c. This list would be uploaded on the AMFI website and the same would be updated every six months based on the data as on the end of June and December of each year. The data shall be available on the AMFI website within 5 calendar days from the end of the 6 months period.

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